API Reference#

SimDec main namespace.

simdec.decomposition(inputs: DataFrame, output: DataFrame, *, sensitivity_indices: ndarray, dec_limit: float = 1, auto_ordering: bool = True, states: list[int] | None = None, statistic: Literal['mean', 'median'] | None = 'mean') DecompositionResult[source]#

SimDec decomposition.

inputsDataFrame of shape (n_runs, n_factors)

Input variables.

outputDataFrame of shape (n_runs, 1)

Target variable.

sensitivity_indicesndarray of shape (n_factors, 1)

Sensitivity indices, combined effect of each input.


Explained variance ratio to filter the number input variables.


Automatically order input columns based on the relative sensitivity_indices or use the provided order.

stateslist of int, optional

List of possible states for the considered parameter.

statistic{“mean”, “median”}, optional

Statistic to compute in each bin.


An object with attributes:

var_nameslist of string (n_factors, 1)

Variable names.

statisticndarray of shape (n_factors, 1)

Statistic in each bin.


Multidimensional bins.

stateslist of int

List of possible states for the considered parameter.

simdec.palette(states: list[int], cmaps: list[LinearSegmentedColormap] = None) list[list[float]][source]#

Colour palette.

The product of the states gives the number of scenarios. For each scenario, a colour is set.

stateslist of int

List of possible states for the considered parameter.

cmapslist of LinearSegmentedColormap

List of colormaps. Must have the same number of colormaps as the number of first level of states.

palettelist of float of size (n, 4)

List of colors corresponding to scenarios. RGBA formatted.

simdec.sensitivity_indices(inputs: DataFrame | ndarray, output: DataFrame | ndarray) SensitivityAnalysisResult[source]#

Sensitivity indices.

The sensitivity_indices express how much variability of the output is explained by the inputs.

inputsndarray or DataFrame of shape (n_runs, n_factors)

Input variables.

outputndarray or DataFrame of shape (n_runs, 1)

Target variable.


An object with attributes:

sindarray of shape (n_factors, 1)

Sensitivity indices, combined effect of each input.

foendarray of shape (n_factors, 1)

First-order effects (also called ‘main’ or ‘individual’).

soendarray of shape (n_factors, 1)

Second-order effects (also called ‘interaction’).


>>> import numpy as np
>>> from scipy.stats import qmc
>>> import simdec as sd

We define first the function that we want to analyse. We use the well studied Ishigami function:

>>> def f_ishigami(x):
...     return (np.sin(x[0]) + 7 * np.sin(x[1]) ** 2
...             + 0.1 * (x[2] ** 4) * np.sin(x[0]))

Then we generate inputs using the Quasi-Monte Carlo method of Sobol’ in order to cover uniformly our space. And we compute outputs of the function.

>>> rng = np.random.default_rng()
>>> inputs = qmc.Sobol(d=3, seed=rng).random(2**18)
>>> inputs = qmc.scale(
...     sample=inputs,
...     l_bounds=[-np.pi, -np.pi, -np.pi],
...     u_bounds=[np.pi, np.pi, np.pi]
... )
>>> output = f_ishigami(inputs.T)

We can now pass our inputs and outputs to the sensitivity_indices function:

>>> res = sd.sensitivity_indices(inputs=inputs, output=output)
>>> res.si
array([0.43157591, 0.44241433, 0.11767249])
simdec.states_expansion(states: list[int], inputs: DataFrame) list[list[str]][source]#

Expand states list to fully represent all scenarios.

simdec.tableau(*, var_names: list[str], statistic: ndarray, states: list[int | list[str]], bins: DataFrame, palette: ndarray) tuple[DataFrame, Styler][source]#

Generate a table of statistics for all scenarios.

var_nameslist of str

Variables name.

stateslist of int or list of str

For each variable, number of states. Can either be a scalar or a list.

states=[2, 2] or states=[['a', 'b'], ['low', 'high']]


Multidimensional bins.

palettelist of int of size (n, 4)

Ordered list of colours corresponding to each state.


Summary table of statistics for the scenarios.


Object to style the table with colours and formatting.

simdec.visualization(*, bins: DataFrame, palette: list[list[float]], n_bins: str | int = 'auto', kind: Literal['histogram', 'boxplot'] = 'histogram', ax=None) Axes[source]#

Histogram plot of scenarios.


Multidimensional bins.

palettelist of int of size (n, 4)

List of colours corresponding to scenarios.

n_binsstr or int

Number of bins or method from np.histogram_bin_edges.

kind: {“histogram”, “boxplot”}

Histogram or Box Plot.

axAxes, optional

Matplotlib axis.


Matplotlib axis.